
“Come to Daddy”

In honor of Father’s Day, here are my top ten diabolical dads in horror cinema from bad to worst.

10. Harry Cooper From Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Harry’s arrogance causes problems for the zombie survivors until Ben proves his alpha status by shooting ole Harry in the gut (entirely justified), and little Karen finishes him off in the basement. Harry, you only made things worse.

9. Larry Cotton from Hellriaser (1987)

Milquetoast Larry demonstrates the inherent evil of passivity. If he hadn’t bled all over the spare bedroom so “mummy” Julia could get him a Band-Aid, his evil brother, Frank, would have never fed off his blood enough to re-animate and cause all the chaos. The only time Larry shows any balls is when Frank is wearing his skin. “Come to Daddy,” indeed.

8. Ben Rolf from Burnt Offerings (1976)

Even when he’s playing it nice, there is something downright sinister about Oliver Reed. If you saw Dad coming at you in the pool with those blank shark eyes, you’d scream for Mommy, too.

7. Richard Carmichael from The Changeling (1980)

Although the patriarch only appears in a brief flashback scene, the pure evil of this father’s dastardly deed proves that less is more when it comes to providing lasting chills in horror cinema.

6. Grandpa Sawyer from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Meeting the family has never been more horrifying. Who needs Geritol when you can feed Gramps on your date’s blood? You’ll never find a more petrifying patriarch.

5. Nathan Gardner from Color of of Space (2019)

Dad starts acting really weird in this twisted cosmic tale based on a Lovecraft story. Nicolas Cage going “full-Cage” makes it even weirder. Wonderfully so.

4. George Lutz from The Amityville Horror (1979)

You know James Brolin as George Lutz is losing his marbles when he wanders around the house in a full beard and wearing his tightie whities. Also, what’s up with that obsession with the fireplace? Let’s face it. Dad’s freaking out, and we’re scared.

3. Harry Powell from The Night of the Hunter (1955)

The ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing, Mitchum’s preacher/lady killer is truly horrifying. When little John Harper defiantly declares, “He ain’t my dad!” we feel it. “I got something trapped in my barn.” Yup. Powell’s an animal through and through.

2. Guy Woodhouse from Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

John Cassavetes is perfectly cast as the smarmily handsome actor who makes the dirtiest of deals. Although technically he’s only Damien’s stepfather, Rosemary doesn’t know that until the final scene. I love it when she spits in his face. He deserves much worse.

1. Jack Torrance from The Shining (1980)

Nicholson’s Jack is cinema’s ultimate diabolical dad. Seriously, would you trust this guy?

Who are some of your favorite fiendish fathers of horror cinema?